Awards & Recipients

For the culminum hunter the important thing is the orography, before the species.

In 2006, the Culminum Magister Award (Master of the Summits) was instituted
as a tribute by the institution itself to the outstanding figures of this type of hunting. Initially two prizes were awarded per year and since 2008 only one per year. All the members of the fellowship are life candidates for the Culminum Magister Award.
The Executive Committee appoints annually from among the fellows, the one who, in its opinion, is worthy of the Culminum Magister Award.
Without a doubt, today, the list of the winners includes the best of the mountain hunting inside and outside our borders.



Marqués de Laula

Founder and member of the Fellowship, he is a member of the jury of the Culminum Magister Award. Presi- dent of the Junta Nacional de Homologación de Trofeos de Caza 1980/91; president of the Spanish Delegation of the International Hunting Council 1979/91; organizer of the First World Hunting Congress 1984 and the Venatoria fairs 1996/2012; chairman of the SCI International Advisory Com- mittee 1985/1988; president of the Real Club de Monteros 1992/2007. Founder of the Círculo de Bibliofilia Venatoria, he owns a library of Spanish hunting works with some 4000 books. President of the jury of the Jaime de Foxá & Cinegé- tica Awards.

AWARDS: Mérito en la caza 1987; Personnalité de l’ Année pour la Protection de laNature 1987; Carlos III 2007; Premio Literario Jaime de Foxá 2008; Premio Barbón 2009 de la Fundación Caza y Conservación; Literario del CIC 2010; Personalidad Venatoria 2014 del Real Club de Monteros; Grand Slam; Ovis World Slam; Capra Wold Slam; Triple Slam.

WORK: Domingo a Domingo, Sevilla 1998; Sendas de caza, Madrid 2001; Gozos, pesares y enredos cinegéticos, Madrid 2007; Dignidad de la caza, Madrid 2010; Retablo de caza, Madrid 2016. Centenares de artículos, numerosos prólogos y varios capítulos en obras de otros autores.


Nicolás Franco Pasqual del Pobil

Its collection of hunting trophies, which includes even an extinct Megaceros, is now the Public Museum of Cabuérniga (Santander). He has travelled, rifle or shotgun in hand, across the five continents hunting emblematic animals such as tigers and marjors.

Founder and member of the Fellowship Culminum Magister, he is a member of the jury of the Culminum Magister Award. President of Safarilife, Plc; former president and Honorary president of the International Council for Hunting and Nature Conservation, CIC; Councillor of the International Foundation for the Conservation of Wildlife; member of the IUCN Caprinae Specialist Group; former member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for the Conservation of Nature, ICONA. He is co-author of a scientific encyclopedia on the world of Caprinae.

WORK: Caprinae Atlas of the World, 2014.


Jesús Caballero Martínez

He says: “I hunt, because hunting is in nature and this is my Fierabrás balm, I need it for my balance.” A rabbit hunted with goshawk was its first prey.

Founder and president of the Fundación Caza y Naturaleza. Founder of the Fellowship Culminum Magister, he is the archivist of the same and a member of the Executive Committee. Member of the Grand Jury “Premio a la Juventud” Ricardo Medem and Member of the Cinegética Awards Jury. He has made 109 expeditions in the five con- tinents, obtaining an extensive collection of trophies.

AWARDS: Cazador del año 1993 por Caza y Safaris; Marcial Gómez Sequeira de Caza Internacional 2000; Periodismo Ci- negético 2000 de la Federación Española de Caza; Premio Literario Jaime de Foxá 2003.

LITERARY WORK: Articulist and lecturer on environmental issues. Works published in national and international journals.


José Madrazo Ambrosio

Born in Salamanca in 1943. He lives in Madrid.
He has been practicing law for forty years and serves on the boards of several companies and institutions.

He discovered hunting with his parents in his family’s mea- dow in Salamanca. The expeditions abroad began in 1981 and since then he has carried out 182 safaris. Its Caprinae collection is almost unbeatable, with 40 sheep and 38 goats. In total he has hunted more than 600 large game animals and has so far obtained 398 different species. He has been finalist on 2018 Weatherby Award.

AWARDS: SCI World Hunting Award Ring; SCI World Conservation & Hunting Award; GSCO Pantheon Award; Grand Slam North America; Ovis World Slam; Super 30; Capra World Slam; Super 30; Triple Slam; SCI Internationational Hunting Award; SCI President Award. Conklin Award 2013.

LITERARY WORK: : Primavera oriental. De Budorcas, Capricornis y otras especies de montaña. Madrid, 2007; Ovis ammon. La senda del Argali. Madrid, 2007; Safari en China. The most elusive mountain game. Madrid, 2008; Montañas de los 5 Continentes. Badajoz, 2012; Capra, de Este a Oeste cazando cabras. Madrid, 2015; Los carneros Thinhorn de Norteamérica. Madrid, 2015.


Ricardo Medem Sanjuán ✝

Hunter and sportsman, practicing hockey he suffered a back injury that turned into a ordeal, but without making him abandon, the mountain hunts. Among his trophies are the Markhor hunted in Afghanistan and a Nepal sirao. He made Spain known as a destination for international hunting.

Founder of the Fellowship Culminum Magister. Founder of the hunting agency Cazatur and the Ricardo Medem Youth Award; founder of the Natura Foundation dedicated to the conservation of wild game; vice-president of the II World Hunting Congress, Las Vegas 1988.

AWARDS: Premio Literario Jaime de Foxá 1992; SCI International Award; Weatherby Award 1997; Carlos III 2004; Grand Slam.

LITERARY WORK: Persia I y II: Safari en las cumbres. Madrid, 1972/90 ; En la cruz del anteojo. Madrid, 1974; Argali: cacerías de al- ta montaña. Madrid, 1994; El sueño del Selous. Safari en Tanzania. Madrid, 2000; Tras la estrella más alta. Madrid, 2002; Desafío a la muer- te. Madrid,1998; Un espacio infinito y misterioso llamado Asia. Madrid, 2005; La vida es caza I, II, III y IV. Madrid, 2005/6/7/9; La grandeza de la caza. Madrid, 2008; Guía del Museo de Animales salvajes. Madrid, 2009. Autor de varios prólogos y numerosos artículos cinegéticos.


Juan Luis Oliva de Suelves

Born in Barcelona, he studied at the School of Industrial. Founder of the Fellowship Culminum Magister. President of the Junta Nacional de Homologación de Trofeos de Caza 1991/2001; president of the Catalan Commission of Homologación de Trofeos de Caza; former vice-president of the CIC Trophy Commission; jury of the Cinegética Awards.

AWARDS : Premio Literario Jaime de Foxá 2015.

LITERARY WORK: La técnica de la caza de montaña. Sevilla, 1998; La técnica de la caza en selvas y sabanas. Sevilla, 2001; La cabra montés. Situación, caza y gestión. Madrid, 2006; Luna llena de Medouné. Barcelona, 2008; El tigre y el Marco Polo, 1969, 1975. Madrid, 2012.

Engineers, finishing his studies with the No. 1 qualification. He has worked professionally in construction with companies he founded and working in the Balearic Islands and Catalonia. A hunter since childhood, he was a pioneer in many international hunts such as Mongolia where he got one of the largest argalis obtained there, Afghanistan in search of the mythical Marco Polo argali or the primary forests of Afri- ca shooting elephants in the then Spanish Guinea.


Enrique Zamácola Millet

Born in Madrid on September 23, 1940, he graduated in Law in 1961 and took several business management courses both in Spain (IESE) and abroad. He began his pro- fessional career at DIMETAL S.A. in 1961, an entity linked to the railway sector through the representation and manufac- turing licenses of Westinhouse Air Brake Co. (USA). Enrique Zamácola was nominated for the Weatherby Award in 1997, and was elected winner in the year 2000. The award ceremony was held in Las Vegas on January 9, 2001, during a dinner presided over by Don Quayle, former vice-president of the United States, who was in charge of delivering the award. He has hunted in 67 different countries and highlights the four American sheep and an extraordinary collection of argalis and Asian sheep along with three varieties of markhor.

AWARDS: Weatherby Award 2000, entregado por Don Quayle, ex vicepresidente de los EE. UU.; Grand Slam.


Robert Speegle

Born in Texas in 1925. Married with two daughters.
The hunt comes to Bob through his Boy Scout boss and his first mountain hunt took place in the Yukon with a Dall sheep for the first time. In 1969 he completed his third Grand Slam. Among its rare trophies are the taruca, the argali of Tibet or the urial of Ladak. In 1990 he started hunting with archery and at the age of 81 he managed to complete the 29 species of big game hunting in North America.

Speegle is a myth of hunting in general and mountain hun- ting in particular. He has been president of the Shikar-Safari Club International; of the US Delegation of the CIC; Roy E. Weatherby Foundation and of the Weatherby Hunting and Conservation Award; honorary president of the Fellowship Culminum Magister.

AWARDS: Weatherby Award 1979; SCI Hunting Hall of Fame 1986; SCI International Hunting Award 1991; GSCO’s Ovis 2006; Conklin Award 2007.


Rex Baker

He was born in 1941 in Chicago.
His first piece of mountain was a Stone sheep in 1976 and two years later he had completed the Grand Slam. Passio- nate about the mountain is one of the hunters with the most different mountain species to his credit, among them the ra- re Arruí of Chad. Chairman of the Selection Committee of the Weatherby Award, the Conklin Award and the Caldesi Award. Baker is not just a hunter, he has always considered himself a conservationist and began collaborating early with Safari Club International, both in the American chapter and nationally. He was an early regional representative and has supported SCI’s registration book and award programs that began later.

AWARDS: World Hunting Award Ring 2001; SCI Internatio- nal Hunting Award 2002; Weatherby Award 2002; Ovis 2007, Cul- minum Magister Award 2012; SCI World Hunting and Conservation Award 2013; Pantheon Award 2014; Grand Slam; Ovis World Slam Super 30; Capra Wold Slam Super 30; Triple Slam; Wild Sheep Foun- dation, Mountain Hunter Hall of Fame.


Ignacio Ruiz-Gallardón García de la Rasilla

Born in Madrid in 1968. Married and father of one daughter and two sons. He studied at the Pontifical University of Comillas (ICADE). Practising lawyer, being or having been, in addition, member of multiple Boards of Directors of different companies and participating in the governing boards of different foundations and associations. In love with the mountains, where he has hunted profusely, especially on the southern slope of the Sierra de Gredos, ta- king care of the family reserve of Mesasllanas for over thirty years. Founder and president of the Culminum Magister Fe- llowship, member of the Culminum Magister and Cinegética awards jury. Culminum Magister Award 2013.

LITERARY WORK: Animales Autóctonos del Mundo, Badajoz 2017. Ha escrito varios prólogos y capítulos de carácter venatorio. Posee una selecta biblioteca cinegética.


Dennis Campbell ✝

He was born in 1951 in Alabama. Married with two sons and one daughter. He started hunting white-tailed deer in Alabama, until 1982 when he hunted his first Stone sheep and a Rocky Mountain Goat in British Columbia. From there he devoted much effort to hunting sheep and goats. He got his first Grand Slam in 1995, with a sheep from the desert of South Baja . He has hunted in the five continents, gathering an extensive collection of mountain trophies.

Founder of the SCI Alabama Chapter wnd of the Alabama Whitetail Records, director of the Alabama Wildlife Federa- tion 1977; founder of the Grand Slam Club Ovis, GSCO, and its director for 27 years; fellow of Culminum Magister 2008. Among his numerous trophies are fifteen American sheep, the Himalayan and the Chinese baral and the Nubian ibex.

AWARDS: SCI World Conservation and Hunting Award 2012; Pantheon of International Big Game Hunters 2014; Premio Culminum Magister 2014; 2 Grand Slam; Ovis World Slam Super 30; Capra Wold Slam Super 30; Triple Slam; Super Slam of North America.


Fernando Saiz Luca de Tena

Architect and manager of different hunting properties, including the family land of Pinos Altos, he has hun- ted the most complicated mountains such as the Cauca- sus or the Himalayas to get turs and argalis, also the Marco Polo in the Pamir and the markhor in the Nanga Pargat, among others.

Founder and Treasurer of the Fellowship Culminum Magister, he is a member of the jury of the Culminum Magister Award. Jury of the Cinegética Awards; founder of the Venatoria and Cinegética hunting shows; vice-president of the Trophy Commission of the CIC; founder and president of the hunting agency Fernando Saiz specialized in US clients; former Treasurer of the Real Club de Monteros; former Treasurer of the Círculo de Bibliofilia Venatoria, he owns an important hunting library.

AWARDS: OutstandingInternationalProfessionalHunter Award SCI 1993; Outstanding International Professional Hunter Award Dallas SC 1994; CJ Mc Elroy Award SCI 2002; International Outfiter of the Year Award; Wild Sheep Foundation 2008.


Malcolm King

He started hunting for pleasure in the mid 80’s, but only dedicated himself to hunting trophies in 1999, since then he has achieved more than 40 species of wild sheep, 40 species of Capra, the American Super Slam with 30 species, the Ullman award with the 5 Echelons, the African Big 5. He has been finalist on 2018 Weatherby Award.

He has hunted on every continent and kneaded more than 360 different species of animals and apparently only has one more species in North America to qualify for the Patheon Award, which is expected to be completed in 2018. In addition to big game, he has a keen interest in Wing Shooting and he has a big collections of rifles and shotguns.

AWARDS: SCI World Conservation and Hunting Award 2012; Pantheon of International Big Game Hunters 2014; Premio Culminum Magister 2014; 2 Grand Slam; Ovis World Slam Super 30; Capra Wold Slam Super 30; Triple Slam; Super Slam of North America.


José Domingo de Ampuero

Born in 1949 in Guecho (Basque Country, Spain). Married with two daughters and two sons. He studied at the School of Technical Industrial Engineering in Bilbao and upon completion completed an MBA at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.

The company has constituted his life. He has been vice- president of Naviera Vizcaína; Banco Bilbao, Vizcaya, Argentaria; Iberdrola; president of Bodegas y Bebidas; Cementos Lemona; currently he is president of Viscofán and Autopista Vasco Aragonesa. and hunting is his warrior’s rest. Eclectic in hunts, he gives himself to the woodcock and the red partridge in hand or throws himself to the hardest mountain ranges in search of carneros and ibexes. His great passion, hunting in the Pyrenees in search of the elusive and brave chamois, where he does not fail in his annual appointment. Founder of the Fellowship and jury of the Cinegética Awards.

AWARDS: OutstandingInternationalProfessionalHunter Award SCI 1993; Outstanding International Professional Hunter Award Dallas SC 1994; CJ Mc Elroy Award SCI 2002; International Outfiter of the Year Award; Wild Sheep Foundation 2008.


Eduardo Romero Nieto

Doctorate in Medicine, University of Salamanca. He spe- cializes in trichology (science that studies hair), of which he is a pioneer in Spain and where he introduces the most innovative techniques from his clinic in Madrid. He considers hunting as part of his life and has wanted that community get to know the wild game by founding the Wildlife Museum in Valdehuesa (León). Made at his own expense, he has gathered there his extraordinary collection of hunting trophies. In a peninsula of 25 hectares over the river Por- ma stands the museum that houses in full-body taxidermy almost all the hunting species. “There are no crystals” the route is to walk as if along a natural path, enjoying in com- plete proximity to the exposed animals.

AWARDS: CIC-SCI-Venatoria 2004; Personalidad Venatoria 2015 del Real Club de Monteros.

LITERARY WORK: Evocaciones cinegéticas de un cazador en los cinco continentes. Badajoz, 1998.


Renee Snider

Renee Snider grew up in Salmon, Idaho, a small community of Lemhi County. Her Father, was an avid sports- man. It was her parents love and enthusiasm for the outdoors that influenced Renee at an early age. She has hunted all six continents, often traveling alone to remote parts, collecting over 390 different species. She has served on the Board of Directors of Sacramento’s River Oak Center for Children for 31 years and has raised millions of dollars to benefit disadvantaged and abused children. Renee with his housband Paul founded the Help-A-Child Foundation where she continues to serve as president of the Board of Directors. 484 entries in the SCI Record Book, 71 Asian species, 38 different sheep of the world, 40 different wild goats of the world.

AWARDS: Diana Award; SCI World Hunting Award; Mountain Hunter Hall of Fame Award; Magnum Ullman Award; Pantheon Award; Weatherby Award; The OVIS, 11 Grand Slams; 21 Inner Circle Slams at the Diamond Level; Golden Malek Award; Conklin Award; 2019 Culminum Magister Award.

2020 (*)

Carlo Campanini Bonomi

(*) Culminum Magister 2020 Award presented at the 21' Gala Dinner because 22’ was canceled by the pandemic.

Head of an important industrial and financial group in Milan, he refloated the Ducati brand, which he sold for a high price to Audi; he is now doing the same with Aston Martin, bringing Mercedes as a partner.

He raced as a young man in Formula 1 and is passionate about hunting in general and mountain hunting in particular. Manager of an extraordinary hunting reserve in the province of Malaga, he divides his time between Italy, Spain, the UK and the USA.

Another of his passions is books, and he is perhaps the most important hunting bibliophile today and the owner of a very important hunting library with unique works and famous codices, and he has also dedicated great effort and resources to the La Lo- mellina Foundation, which is dedicated to developing programs for the conservation of hunting fauna.

For Bonomi, hunting is a way of shifting the weight of the company's responsibility to an activity where the challenge is nature. Grand Slam, two marjors, the Chadian Barbary sheep and seven different argali.


Marqués de Villanueva de Valdueza

Alonso Álvarez de Toledo Urquijo has developed his professional life in the banking and agricultural areas.

President of the Spanish Association of cattle Avileño-Negro Ibérico; vice-president of the Spanish Federation of Associations of Select Cattle. Its cattle ranch carries out the annual transhumance between Extremadura and Ávila. It processes ’Invac’ beef under the IGPCarne de Ávila. He is vice-president of the Association of Hunting Producers, Aproca; former president of Aproca Extremadura.

It produces extra olive oil and wine under the Marqués de Valdueza brand.

A hunter following the family path, he keeps a dog hunting pack (rehala) having set a type of dog defined as Valdueza. Although he has practiced all kinds of hun- ting, the Spanish ibex is his favorite.

President of the Junta Nacional de Trofeos de Caza; member of the National Hunting Organization; former vicepresident of the CIC and Head of the Spanish Delegation of the CIC.


Janneke (Jan) Dams

Born in 1954 in Belgium, successful entrepreneur, owner of a large distribution company in his native country. He started hunting small game at a very young age on his grandfather's property, at the age of 18 in Belgium, and then moved on to several European countries, after roe deer, wild boar, deer and elk.

In 1988 he went on his first safari to Africa, a continent that captivated him and to which he has returned every year since then.

Since 1990, he has broadened his horizons to the whole world, dedicating himself especially to the hunting of mountain ungulates, of which he has so far obtained 75 different species of mountain trophies.

He is still passionate about small game hunting, which he practices assiduously and shoots with a 28-gauge shotgun, which is a real challenge.


Juan Antonio García Alonso

Born in León in 1958, he lives in Madrid.

Without a direct family tradition of hunters, he has been a self-taught hunter, who was immediately captivated by the mountains. His first mountain hunt was a Gredos Ibex in 1990. Since then he has hunted in the five continents, with special dedication to mountain hunting, obtaining more than 330 mountain trophies, of 35 different species, highlighting his great passion for chamois and Spanish Ibex, of which he has a large collection, but without disdaining Africa, which he has visited assiduously for the last 20 years.

In 2004 he founded Camino Real Hunting Consultants, an international hunting agency, with a special vocation for mountain hunting, which has helped him to learn about hunting from a professional perspective, and he has frequently published articles in hunting magazines and general media. He has participated in TV programs dedicated to mountain hunting. He has been awarded several times in the Venatoria and Cinegetica awards for trophies of various species.

He has been Secretary of the Culminum Magister Brotherhood from 2016 till 2023. He is member of the Culminum Magister Board and  member of its Jury and of the Jury of the Cinegética Awards.


Mr- Alain J. Smith

Born in Canada, he resides in the USA.

He has hunted all over the world, bagging more than 360 species, including 65 species of Sheep and goats.

He has written three hunting books, Close Calls and Hunting Adventures, Hunting New Horizons and Adventures in the Wild Places, and his fiction novels, most recently Revenge is the Game, are best sellers. He has edited at his own expense and then donates all rights to his works to hunting and conservation institutions and clubs.

Awards:23' SCI Hall of Fame 2015 Conklin Award; 2013 Weatherby Award, GSCO Pinnacle Award and the SCI International Hunter of the Year. Pantheon Award 2014.